Partner, Attorney, head of Criminal and legal practice
Valerii is expert in the field of criminal procedure in the category of case related to economic crimes. He represents interests of clients at all stages of criminal proceedings.
Also, Valerii deals with protection of business during both tax and other inspections. He is expert in the field of administrative proceeding.
Valerii is member of the Moscow Region Bar Association.
Valerii is expert for the Moscow Business Ombudsmen.
Protection of client who was accused of bribery (part 3 article 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). After the investigation case was brought to the City Court of Vorkuta. Prosecution insisted on sentencing of actual imprisonment and a fine of 3 million rubles, but defense insisted on absolute innocent on client and asked to acquit him. Client was acquitted. Subsequently the Supreme Court of the Republic overturned the verdict and case was sent for a new hearing. Prosecution insisted on sentencing of actual imprisonment and a fine of 5 million rubles. Despite this defense has persuaded the court in unfounded of such sentence. Finally, client was imposed a fine.
Protection of client who was accused of attempting to sell narcotic drugs (part 4 article 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Investigating authorities have tried to prove the guilt of young man for 1,5 years. It punishes this offence with 10 years to 20 years of imprisonment. However, actions of Client did not constitute a crime. Subsequently, in response to a complaint of attorney prosecutors recommended investigating authorities to reclassify the actions for possession of drugs (part 2 article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Finally, the court of first instance imposed a suspended sentence.
Protection of interests of company in appealing arrest of land plots of 110 hectares. Arrest was imposed by investigating authorities in the other criminal case. Court of appeal has returned the case for retrial. Finally, arrest was removed.
Protection of interests of large company (is one of the top 3 companies selling fast-food) in appealing of protocols on administrative offences compiled by the Association of Administrative and Technical Inspection Offices of the city of Moscow (OATI) and the district administrations of the city of Moscow under article 20.6.1. of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences («Failure of rules of conduct during an emergency and a threat of emergency»). After the introduction lockdown OATI and the district administrations of the city of Moscow received orders on fixing the relevant offences and the transfer of the case to the court. Valerii dismissed all administrative cases against company and helped company to escape reputational losses.
Protection of interests of employee of large telecommunication company in criminal case on a crime under part 4 article 274.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. After the concluding preliminary investigation, the attorney submitted a motion of about the return of the case to the Prosecutor at the first court hearing. The court granted this motion. Subsequently case was reclassified for other article, and then case was dismissed.
Representing of interests of clients in the election the measure of restraint in the form of detention when the court supported the position of the attorney and dismissed the application on election this measure.
Russian University of Cooperation, 2008.
Cinema, billiard, table tennis, books.