Our team provides legal services on investment, tax, family, succession matters. Also, we provide legal advice on issues of structuring of asset ownership in Russia and in other countries using trust, private foundations, and holding structures, including due diligence of assets.
The specialists of law firm advice on tax issues, support business immigration, represents interests of private clients on corporate issues.
Attorneys of Leontyev & Partners Law Firm advice on family law, particularly matters of inheritance and marriage contract. If client has criminal risks, the criminal and legal practice are connected to the case.
Structuring the ownership and asset protection, including legal due diligence of assets.
Provision of advice on obtaining a foreign citizenship and immigration law.
Tax and legal support of private clients on investments, including private investments in charity.
Support of real estate transactions in various jurisdictions, including luxury real estate, and conducting due diligence of objects of real estate.
Provision of advice on inheritance law issues.
Provision of advice on family law issues, including protection of interests and assents of clients in the events of marriage and divorce.
Searching of comprehensive solutions on protection of family assets. Protection of corporate interests of private clients including settlement of corporate disputes.
Protection of private clients in relations with creditors and debtors in the bankruptcy procedure.
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